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Summary of interesting OHS cases


Hazardous Hairdressers

SW OHS Act - s8(1);


Having ones hair tinted my not be quite as hazard free as one may imagine. In the case of Workcover Authority (Inspector McKean) -V- A & C M Warbrick Pty Ltd trading as Christiane's Hair Design [2005] NSWCIMC 131 (29 August 2005) we read about a hairdressers apprentice who received first degree chemical burns to both of her hands whilst mixing a peroxide bleach that was to be applied to a clients hair.  Hairdresser needed

The risks associated with use of bleach and peroxide products were documented in Material Safety Data Sheets 2 and 3 for hair products used in salons. MSDS number 2 applies to the peroxide products. "Health effects: Irritant. Attacks eyes. Protect eyes when using. Acute effects: Eye: Eye contact may cause ulceration: Skin: Avoid contact. Temporary whitening or bleaching of the skin may occur. Irritation and formation of blisters may also occur. Personal protective equipment: Skin - gloves (vinyl, rubber or plastic) must be worn when handling this product. Eyes: Eye protection must be worn (safety glasses) to avoid accidental splashes into eyes. Product is a class 5.1 dangerous good."

Copies of MSDS Number 2 and MSDS number 3, both applying to the task in question, were not available at the salon at the time of the incident. The company had no formal system of supervision in place at the time of the incident and no system to ensure that supervisors were competent to supervise staff, but they relied on the fact that supervisors were qualified hairdressers with trade licences. There was no formal system of follow up by the company to monitor the effectiveness of supervision and the company relied on the manager of the salon or the area manager to advise of any issues and to check work practices. 

The defendant was ordered to pay the sum of $17,250 by way of penalty. In addition the defendant was ordered to pay the prosecutor's costs and disbursements of just over $3,100.  

  Full details:- http://www. /cases/nsw/NSWCIMC/2005/131.html 


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