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Impromptu Speaking 

Or, what to say when you have no idea what to say

There are going to be many times when you will be sitting in a meeting and suddenly you find your name being used at the blunt end of a question.

What can you say that is coherent, incisive and meaningful. Perhaps a few "ok's" interspersed with an "ah" or an "um"? But is that the image you would like to project? The image of a bumbling, stumbling, idiot?

Help is at hand with a few structures that any impromptu response can be pegged to. Structures that will enable you to start talking while the brain has a chance to gather its thoughts together.


'Past: Present; Future' or 'Biggest to smallest'

If you start off with what happened in the past, lead up to what is currently the situation, and then on to what you see happening in the future, your brain would have had the time to come up with a plausible presentation to articulate your point of view

The presentation should not end at sometime in the future or in the past but should be wound back to reconfirm the point being made and the action you desire to be taken. The structure is to support the point of view and is not the point of view in itself.

Try this with an accident scenario. What was the production policy. What recent changes have been made that have lead up to the current situation and then the future, the 'where to from here'.

The 5 W's and an H. 

The Who, What, When ,Where, Why and How

If you can answer the question based on these 6 categories, it will allow you time to gather your thoughts. Use these terms as a mental structure and not as a spoken structure. Keep the fact that you are using this structure to yourself and don't let the audience become aware that you are using this structure.

Cover all of the senses

Some people will comment during a conversation 'I see what you mean' when there is nothing to 'see'. Others will say 'I hear you' when this is stating the obvious. The third group like to feel the passion or emotion of the topic.
These senses are covered by the mnemonic SHE. (See, Hear and Emotion)


On the chest of the barmaid in Sale
Were tattooed the prices of ale. -
And on her behind,
For the sake of the blind,
Was the same information in Braille.

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