My Blog Site   OHS and Safety

My Blog Site

Anything of interest to the OHS Committee in NSW,

People at work, Safety, Travel and anything quirky or funny.

Odd Signs, Pictures and Posters

No study of WHS can be complete without picture of workers doing the wrong thing, of signs that don't mean what the say or perhaps could of been worded better, and posters exhorting the workers do do Idiot Selfiethe right thing. 

We have included some in the following pages.  Some are originals and some have done the rounds

 The pictures have been sourced from multiple sources.  Hopefully not breaching any copyrite.

Feel free to email me any other additions to the chamber of horrors.


Working at heights  The risk of falling does not deter some

Transport Cars, trucks, and bicycles


Stupid Signs  and some that are not so stupid

Electrical   disasters waiting to happen

Not a good idea!

Wrong tool for the right job

Overloaded (or room for one more)

Building sites, and builders


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