There are any number of different risk
matrices. They range from a 3*3 matrix with risk values of H, M and
L. There is a 4*4 matrix with scores from 1 to 6, as well as a 5*5
with a range of scores.
Below id just one example of a 5*5
matrix as well as a description of what the values mean.

A) Almost
certain; will occur at least once per month
B) Likely; will occur at least once per month to once per
C) Occasionally; Expected to occur at least 1 year to 10
D) Unlikely; Occurs every 10 years to 100 years
E) Rare; Occurs less than once every 100
An example of a 4*4 Matrix. In this example numerical values have been
replaced with risk descriptions.

An example of a 3*3 matrix. This size matrix gives results of High, Medium
or Low
